Loop Head
This route section starts in the town of Kilrush at the centre of the rich and diverse coastal landscape of the West Clare Peninsula and is set in an unforgettable seascape that features the grand River Shannon, the islands of Hogg and Scattery and the picturesque village of Cappa. The designation of Kilrush as a Heritage Town recognizes its legacy as a landlord estate town with a rich maritime tradition. Kilrush is also the departure point for Scattery Island, home to a monastic settlement founded in the early 6th century.
Next stop is Loop Head peninsula which epitomises what the Wild Atlantic Way is about: panoramic cliff views, abundant local seafood, your choice of aquatic activities, and plenty of quiet beauty spots where you can pause and wonder at this unforgettable part of the world. Loop Head is also a haven for wildlife and bird watchers.
Carrigaholt village is located on the mouth of the River Shannon and part of the Loop Head Peninsula. From here you can take a boat trip and see the resident dolphins as well as some amazing views of the coastline and cliffs around Loop Head.Take a short detour further along the coast and visit the enchanting Loop Head Lighthouse located at the furthest point west on the Clare coastline.
This route section follows on past the Bridges of Ross and ends at the seaside town of Kilkee which offers one of the best and safest bathing places on the western coast.
Road surface is generally moderate / well rideable on asphalted roads however some sections are showing signs of degradation and care needs to be exercised. Roads are generally peaceful and traffic volumes low on the route however traffic speed and volume can be high on the N67 section between Moyasta and Lisdeen.
 Route Section : Distance 68 km, Elevation 575 m
Comments: Section 22